Tag Archives: John Huntsman

Need to set a few things straight…

Well…this one is going to kind of fit with the title but not all of it….so here goes…first, the only reasonable person dropped out of the repub race today when John Huntsman decided to quit…but I can understand why…the repub party is so far to the right now the John Birchers would be to their left and I never thought I’d see that. I do miss the reasonable repubs like Jerry Ford that got things done for the country, not just their party. But that was then, and this is now and I don’t think we’ll see the “big” politicians again…those whose only thought was to try to do the best for the country and it’s people no matter if they were dems or repubs. Oh, one of the things that I want to get straight is that I’m not really against business or capitalism per se…it is unbridled and unregulated capitalism that I can’t stand and rail against almost constantly as you know. There is nothing wrong with companies making money, but why do they have to squeeze every penny out of their workers and give it to those who don’t really need more? I think one of the questions that people that already have so much should ask themselves is “how much is enough?” Once you have millions, why do they have to continue to take when an extra 100 bucks week would mean a lot to one of their employees? Where were these people raised? And, who taught them that to care about others and fairness is a bad thing? I wasn’t brought up that way but I see the trend in a lot of younger folks today…I wonder why…and how can we fix it? Just thinking….

Republican Moderates?

Well…I’ve been reading about the salivating the media is undergoing when they talk about a republican “moderate” like John Huntsman getting into the 2012 presidential race, and I can’t help but sit here amazed that this is a story at all. I know the media needs to feed the the 24 hour news cycle and find the next big thing, but talking about a repub moderate is like talking about a dodo bird…they just don’t exist anymore except in comparison the the hard right that dominates the party. Does anyone in their right mind think someone like Huntsman can get through the primary process that is dominated by people that used to be the fringe right that included the John Birch society? Ronald Reagan couldn’t even get through to the nomination in this era of ideological purity and litmus tests that the fringe has imposed on them….making the pragmatism (or supposed pragmatism) of someone like Huntsman a death sentence for his candidacy.

Just had a thought, maybe this is just another ploy from the repubs to lie again…run someone as a centrist, just like they did for governor in Michigan and Wisconsin, and lie like crazy to everyone but their base, and then have this “stealth” candidate win so they can give the rest of the country away to the rich and business…machiavellian, I know, but stranger things have happened…remember you heard it here first and I won’t be afraid to say “I told you so” when this plan is worked right in front of the media’s eyes and they miss it….