Tag Archives: Justice Jackson

Justice Jackson is going to be a good one…

Well…have been looking for a topic since I finished up with all the work I had to do today and I found one….with the seating of Justice Ketanji Jackson on the supreme court…people have been focusing on the fact that she is the first African American woman on the supreme court, but after her first day on the court and with how she handled herself and illuminated how damn good she is, all I can say is I’m damn impressed and I know she is going to be a good one. During arguments where Alabama is trying to gut the voting rights act, blathering that any redistricting in Alabama must be race neutral, she patiently explained the history of the 14th amendment and that it specific purpose was to protect the rights of freed slaves…and she asked how that could be “race neutral?” And she went on to explain that taking race into account in redistricting is perfectly constitutional….how much this going to matter with the right wingers salivating to allow the repubs to gerrymander to their hearts content and them not needing any reason in the constitution or law to make that happen, it is still heartening to see someone explode the idea that the “fix” is in and her opinion doesn’t matter…I can’t wait to read some of her dissents…I think she is going to end up a legal giant who will rule to the law and not to political goals…and she will show just how much the right wingers on the court are just hacks with no business at all of being there…can’t wait….

Ted Cruz’s reaction was so delicious..

Well…when I watched Ted Cruz’s antics during Justice Jackson’s confirmation hearing, I thought it was just ted being ted…the racist ass that he is who thinks he is the smartest guy in the room…and then to see him get up and basically run out of the senate chamber as the dems applauded the new SC justice…it hit me that I know why he did it…the fact that Justice Jackson was a classmate at Harvard and she is on the supreme court must gall the hell out of him since he knows he will never be…and will never be as accomplished as she is or as respected…and I’m sure that is just boiling his ass as he shrinks away into the screeching baboon that he is….what a small, rotten little soul resides inside that ugly husk…too bad teddy….