Well…quite a heated discussion this morning on Justice Scalia’s latest outrageous statement that the 14th amendment that deals with equal rights doesn’t guarantee them for women or gays and lesbians since they were not mentioned by name in the amendment; only the phrase “any person’ and Scalia wants to go back to the interpretation of the time that only white males were considered “persons” in the law. This idiot is always searching for “original intent” when it suits his political ends but is so quick to discard it when his corporate masters say jump…as evidenced by the Citizens United decision where he sided with the right wing majority and granted corporations the same first amendment rights as flesh and blood citizens when corporations are not mentioned anywhere in the constitution. What is it Anty? Do you read the constitution as written or do you make it up as you go? This abject abandonment of consistency or even of following the constitution is seen best in the Bush v. Gore decision where old Anty was so quick to abandon the “states rights” mantra that he and his ilk shout from the rooftops….made even more egregious by the fact that the majority in that case knew they were making law and being the worst kind of activist judges; because they stated that the decision was a one-off and couldn’t be used for precedent in any other case….the time is coming to impeach this idiot…geez…