Tag Archives: Kevin McCarthy’s fault

That’s it, Joe…

Well…with the debt ceiling being held hostage by the moron repubs in the House, Joe Biden came out yesterday and essentially say that any of the cuts that mccarthy wants as ransom for not crashing the world economy are not going to happen…and the polls support what Joe and the dems have to say…and that’s the US shouldn’t default on it’s debt…to the tune of 70% of the people polled…and mccarthy has to remember the last time the repubs got us so close to default that our credit rating was crashed for the first time in our history…and the repubs lost in a bloodbath in the next election…but the stupid bomb throwers in the repub caucus just don’t care…unless everything that Joe has done is reversed, they will crash the economy…I think that every one of the dems that get in front of a microphone have to do is hammer the point home that it is the repubs who are holding the world hostage and they will be the ones responsible if there is a default…we need to get better at messaging and make sure the blame fall squarely on mccarthy’s head….geez…