Well..you saw yesterday that there was a little hope that the repubs would start to do the right thing when it comes to the ordinary American….that they would start to put the middle class first instead of the richest 2 percent of the country….well…nevermind. The latest outrage comes form Kyl and his ilk; the unapologetic idiots that are so far against fairness in the economy that they are holding up benefits for the long-term unemployed to make sure they can continue the Bush tax cuts for the rich. Now, their logic for this move is that any new spending must be offset by spending cuts elsewhere in the economy so to not add to the deficit; 12 billion dollars to benefit people that are in danger of losing their entire life….but they are willing to extend the Bush tax cuts (almost a trillion dollars added to the deficit) because their logic says that tax cuts don’t have to be paid for in any way…they are different after all.
And the latest polls suggest that people are just going stupid…the majority trust the Dems to handle the economy but the majority are also going to vote for the repubs who have “spread the wealth” upward….have reached into yours and my wallet and handed it to people to help them buy their caviar and get the fourth house on the lake. Aren’t you tired of this yet? It’s starting to get to the point where this is not my country anymore….I’m happy that I’m getting a year older tomorrow and won’t have to see these heartless shills steal what is left of what was a great country much longer…geez…