Tag Archives: labor costs

One last thing for today…

Well…it has been a prolific day for me and I wish I knew why so I could repeat it….this will be short one and probably should have been put in the musings one that I did previously…but I didn’t so here goes….the one reason that companies always give for sending jobs overseas is the huge difference in labor costs between the US and China, but a new study that has come out in the past couple of days is that the difference is only about 20% of the total product cost…so, for example, if you have a 200 dollar flat screen made in China….it could be made and sold here for 240 dollars and would put many of our neighbors back to work and start to restore the American dream. I, for one, would happily pay the extra 20% if that would mean one of the unemployed here in Michigan (maybe me) could get a good job. One of the things we all must remember is that, with the hollowing out of our manufacturing base, we have permanently lowered demand so much that we can’t grow our way out of the malaise the economy is in….geez…