Tag Archives: lying repubs

They do know there is video, right?

Well…yeah, I’m really late today with taking the day off to lie on the couch and watch movies…but I did want to talk about the stupidity of the repubs when it comes to video evidence of what they say…I mean they do know there is video, right? It started Tuesday when Biden called them out on their plans to eliminate SS and Medicare…and they all complained loudly that they never said they were going to do that…cue the video…so today, reporters kind of did their jobs and had the tape ready when the asked Mike Lee if he was going to cut those popular and vital programs and he again denied it…so they rolled the tape and the idiot just got pissed and walked away…I saw this happen a couple of times in my feed over at Mastodon and I can understand why they keep lying…after all, not one damn repub has been held accountable for their lies so they will just keep doing it unless the media elevates the truth and continues to confront them with it…and the rest of the dems need to “Biden up” and do the same…oh, and I’ll copyright “Biden Up” tm…I thought that one up right now…