Tag Archives: maga justice

Blame John Roberts…

Well…for a guy worrying about his “legacy”, Chief Justice John Roberts is sure acting as corrupt as any chief of the SC in the history of this country…you didn’t want Roe overturned, blame John Roberts for assigning the cast to Alito who reached back into witchcraft to justify ending bodily autonomy for women…you didn’t like the court creating immunity for the president that is nowhere written in the constitution? Blame Roberts and his machinations that were described in the times this week where he twisted arms on the court to take the case that was decided by an appeals court that unanimously said there was no immunity for anyone at all in the US…and when a ruling like that happens, every time until this one the SC deferred to the appeals court and rejected the appeal to the SC…but Roberts needed to protect his maga king so he broke precedent…again…so he could make up the immunity out of nothing…this is why we need to get out an vote to take the House, Senate, and Presidency to end this corruption once and for all…and after these latest revelations, Roberts should be impeached and removed from the court along with Thomas and Alito…all corrupt assholes who have done so much damage to the court…geez..