Tag Archives: MMR

The anti-vaxxers are nuts…

Well…there has been a building story over the past year or so about people opting to not get their children vaccinated due to some stupid, unfounded belief that the vaccines cause autism in children….all driven by some doctor in England who faked the numbers in a “study” he did to make it look like there was a causitive relationship between getting the standard MMR vaccine and the increasing incidence of autism…not sure what his reasoning was but that’s not the point…the point is that modern vaccines are safe and effective. But, that doesn’t stop the idiots out there that think their beliefs are better than the scientific evidence…I’m talking to you Jenny McCarthy…and have put many children with other illnesses at risk by their stupidity. When my kids were little, they all got all of the vaccinations on time…why would any parent subject their kids to to the pain and possibly life altering effects that come with getting the measles or mumps? I had all of those diseases when I was a kid and can remember being out of school for weeks with chicken pox and I remember the pain from the mumps that I would not wish on anyone…let alone my own kids. I think not vaccinating your kids is a form of child abuse that needs to be stopped…but the repubs keep making it easier to opt out of vaccinations for “freedumb” or some such nonsense…I guess that is just a normal outcome of their anti science and ignorance…still doesn’t justify it…geez…