Tag Archives: money

The supreme court thinks elections should be for sale…

Well….here we go again…the righties on the supreme court have handed the big money in country another win by throwing out the limits on what an individual can give to any campaign…after citizens united, where corporations have been allowed to spend unlimited amounts of money on elections but not to individual candidates, now we have the rich able to buy seats without having to go through a corporations….now, the Kochs just have to pick a candidate and buy them the seat…after all, they spent 400 million dollars inĀ  the last election…now, they can cut out individual donors all together…and they buy more and more influence while the rest of us will have none…this is probably the worst decision the court has made since Plessy v. Ferguson…these hacks need to be impeached…geez…

Molly Ivins was right…

Well…started reading the book ‘Bushwhacked” by Molly Ivins, the late columnist for the New York Times and all I can say is my depression has returned with the realization that she was right…not just about the “Shrub”, but about how business has bought this country…from the Supreme Court down through the state legislatures. The book is nominally about ole GW, but I see it as more an example of how pernicious the effect of money is in our election process, but not only that, it is a succinct indictment of the power that business wields in out society. And now I see that some of you that voted for Obama and change away from the wholesale theft of America, are leaning toward voting for the crooks that are rigging the game against you…that are using the secret money that is flowing into the repubs hands to steal this election. I now see this fight as one where we won a round in 2008, where we started to take the country back from the rampant business interests, but it was only one round…we need to be in this fight for the entire bout, until we can take the thumb of business off the scale and run this country for “we the people” again. But, we can’t do it if you fall for the lies of the right and big business…it is not better to have 50 million Americans without health insurance, it is not better to continue to give tax breaks to companies that move our jobs overseas, it is not better to have our elections stolen by secret money that is buying the legislators they are supporting. It’s up to us….

I think this is going to be a serial as I get deeper into the book and try to connect things that have happened like Enron, Adephia, Harken Oil, and others, to what you can expect if you vote for these guys again.