Well…with the loud mouths on the right bleating that they want a “national divorce” from the blue states and all I have to say is go ahead and go…every damn of of those states are the “welfare queens” that they bitch so much about in that all of them get more money from the federal government than they put in in tax money…so, pay for your own roads that the blue states are now paying for…pay for own SS and Medicare that the blue states pay for now…and any nice military bases that pour money into the local economies of every red state? Gone…oh, and if you want your mail delivered? Make your own private postal service that will cost you 5 bucks a letter to mail…and your National Guard? Pay for it yourself or scrap it…damn, think what the blue states could do with all the money that the red states suck up? Medicare for all citizens of Michigan…no one without healthcare…high speed rail across the state…subsidize child care so people don’t have to pay most of their pay to have their kids taken care of…you get the idea…let’s have a coalition of the blue states get together to make sure women have control of their bodies and start addressing climate change…and the red states can just go to hell…go ahead, leave…geez…