Well…you’re probably not aware that there is a huge progressive shindig going on in Detroit this week where activists meet up to plan how to strategize to get progressive candidates elected…and to fight back against the billions of dollars that the owners of the rights politicians will spend to make sure that business and the rich continue to gut the middle class and poison everyone. This year, it was a pretty good meet up but there was one little bomb that was dropped near the end that has all of us on the left a little bewildered….the choosing of Arizona as the 2015 site for Net roots nation…as the meet up is called. This choice has split the progressive movement…well…maybe not split from the comments that I have read…but pissed us off..starting with the originator of the meetups, Kos, (or Markos Moulitsos) whose site, the Daily Kos, is the largest and most active of the progressive ones out there…with Kos going so far as saying they can go there without him or any support from his site or network. I agree with him…with all of the nasty, racist, anti gay crap that has been going on there over the past few years, to reward them by bringing millions of dollars into the state would just be wrong…we on the left have to live our principles and ensure that we don’t help the right wing asses continue to do what they do…hate and fear monger and get elected…it will be interesting to see if the decision sticks…with the outcry, I’ll bet that there will be another state chosen…one where the people are trying to restore the true American values of inclusiveness and cooperation to make this a better country for all…not just for the rich….geez…