Well… as people continue to blame Biden for high gas prices, the latest report on the profitability of the big four oil companies shows who is really to blame…over the last quarter of 2022, profits at the big 4 were 140 billion dollars…yep, that’s a B as in billion dollars….over 50% higher than they have ever been, and guess where all of those dollars came from? Yep, from you and me in one of the largest transfers of wealth in history that is going right into stockholders hands…and that ain’t you and me. Now would be the time for a excessive profit tax to be levied on these crooks…it has gotten so bad in the UK that they are predicting that 3-4,000 people will die as a result of not being able to afford heat for their homes this winter…and that is just sick…people die just so stockholders can buy the fifth house, or the bigger yacht, or the hundredth car….and yet the conservatives on both sides of the pond make sure that nothing can be done about it to keep the big oil money flowing into their campaigns…I really don’t see how these people can sleep at night know that they are slopping at the oil trough while people die….geez…