Tag Archives: Ohio senate candidate

They don’t understand…

Well…listening to the repub candidate for the senate in Ohio, he really can’t understand why women over 50 even care about abortion rights assuming that they are all in menopause and can’t get pregnant…but that goes back to  the disease that all repubs have…they assume that people don’t care about issues unless it affects them personally and they always look at issues so narrowly with the depth of a 5th grader…look, moron…abortion rights is part of human rights and people care about that…hell, I’m an old white guy and I care about the destruction of human rights that women are facing with the wrongfully decided Dobbs case that overturned Roe…and I’m sure never going to be pregnant…and you don’t need to be of childbearing age to have the agency to care about abortion rights…they just don’t get that we can care about LGBTQ rights when we’re straight…that we care about immigrant rights even though we were born here…and we care about basic human decency even though we don’t ever see that from one repub in this country because every person deserves that as the default and it is not given by anyone but is a right…the repubs don’t appear to understand that…assholes all…geez…