Tag Archives: poisoning the well

Poisoning the well?

Well…I am laughing and laughing and laughing about the new repub talking point they trotted out in the past few days that says because Obama won’t do everything they want him to, and is going to do an executive order on immigration, he is “poisoning the well” of cooperation that the repubs are lying they would consider. I mean, c’mon…the fricking repubs have cornered the market on poison over the past 6 years…starting with ole Mitch stating that his only goal for the country was to defeat everything that Obama tried to do…and then you have the entire right going on an on about the birther nonsense…and that he is not an American…and on and on….I’m not sure what well they are talking about but the right has poisoned it, sold it to the Kochs and paved it over in the past 6 years…so, try not to laugh yourself to death when you hear this crap from the right…geez…