Well…have been thinking of a topic for the day and haven’t been able to come up with a big one that would do it so I guess I’ll just do some thoughts that will be a mixed bag of ideas…this week is the week that the supreme court hears argument on the King v. Burwell fake case that the the right is using to try to gut Obamamcare…there are so many problems with the case that the court never should have taken it but, with the right wing hacks on the court, merits of cases really don’t mean anything anymore…there was another police murder in LA over the past day where 5-8 cops descended on a homeless man to get him to take his tent down during the day and the killed him with the standard excuse that he was ‘going for” an officers gun…and, again, no cop was suspended even though the cell phone video showed he was on the ground and never ever going for any gun….that makes the average of 3 people per day that are killed by cops in this country…in Michigan there have been 3 killed in the last week by the same force just south of GR…this has got to stop…geez…