Tag Archives: political advertising

This is how you tell…

Well…with the explosion of political ads running up to the election on the 8th, I really need to give you a little primer on how to decipher them and make them easier to understand…it’s very simple…if the ad is attacking a dem, it’s a lie…and if the ad is supporting a repub, it’s also a lie..see, that’s how easy it is….so don’t be confused or let some repub lie filled advertising sway your vote…you know one true thing, and that is the dems work for the people to make their lives better and deal with society’s problems while the repubs only work to make people’s lives worse as they give the country away to their big donors and take rights away from everyone but their base…and you can take them at their word for that…they’ve already taken the rights to privacy away from women and they are now going to gut SS and Medicare to give tax cuts to the rich..those are facts that no amount of lies in advertising is going to change…so tune out the ads and vote with that one truth in your mind…the dems will make things better, and the repubs will make things worse…that’s all you need to know….geez…