Tag Archives: profit on oil

Joe Biden makes us some money…

Well…are all the right wingers so stupid? The answer to that is yes by the way…and it was shown today with the latest attack on Joe Biden that has been floating around the dead bird site where these morons are bitching about Biden buying oil to refill the national reserve after using some of the oil in it to try to keep the prices down…and they are going on and on that Biden is stupid since they think the price is higher than what he sold the oil for a few months back…but, of course, they have all wrong…when Biden sold the oil, the price was in the mid 90 dollars per barrel…and, as of today, the price is anywhere from 74 to 78 bucks a barrel…so he’s MAKING 20 bucks a barrel…so, right wingers I’ll explain it for you…if you sell something for a higher price than when you buy it back, you make a profit off the sales…and by profit I mean you get to pay less than you were paid for the same oil…see how that works? Do you understand now? No? I didn’t think you would…morons…