Well…bet you thought I wouldn’t follow through and get to this topic, one that I think is really important to the growth of this country and ensuring that all people are treated equally under the law; dismissing the tyranny of the majority. Judge Walker ruled that prop 8 out in Cali violated the constitution, especially the 14th amendment’s guarantee of equal protection under the law, and the due process rights of gays and lesbians. All I have to say to that is: it’s about time…and all of the gnashing of teeth and hand wringing by the right that included the idea that gay marriage would impact heterosexual marriage was dismissed as having no merit. It’s about time that someone called these idiots out on the lies that were used to get the prop passed and to also call the right on their continuing political calculation of using the constitution when it suits their purpose and abandons it when it doesn’t support their prejudice. When are people going to start to connect the dots with those folks; that the only thing they want is to remake America as a playground for the rich and connected…and those who vote for them deserve what they get. Geez….
Oh, forgot to say “thank you Judge Walker” for a ruling that will advance the cause of civil rights more than almost anything that has happened in my long lifetime. Can’t wait to see how the right-wingers on the supreme court twist themselves into knots trying to vacate this decision..which I know they will…disappointing..