Well…I’m not sure if any of you read about this but it put a big smile on my face…some time last week, as I was reading the news, I came across an article about a woman here in Michigan who is getting a petition drive up to put a woman’s control of her own body on the ballot and enshrine those rights in our constitution…and with almost 70% of the people here supporting a woman’s right to choose, if she can get enough signatures on the petitions, which I will gladly sign, we can finally take this weapon away from the repubs here and make sure they can never make women second class citizens again. I think this is a reaction the almost certain overturning of Roe by the right wing zealots on the SC…taking away a right that women have had sine the 70′s…something that has never happened in the history of the country…but that doesn’t matter to the right wing hacks on the SC…every one of who promised that Roe was “settled law” and they would follow precedent and leave it in place….but every damn one of them lied their asses off during their confirmation hearings and that should be enough to remove them from the court. This is what comes from reps who only serve a small minority of the country trying to jam their religion down our throats…we will find a way to fight back…and this amendment is the best way I’ve seen…geez…