Well…did you ever wonder why, every 4 years, the repubs come up with the latest thing that is going to lead America to ruin? The latest is the proliferation of ‘bathroom bills” attacking trans people that miraculously started to appear in all of the repub controlled states in this election year, and were preceded by the “gay marriage” prohibitions that took place 4 years before that, and on and on. There is only one reason for these ginned up controversies and that is to rouse the base and make sure there is an issue that will get the ‘social conservatives” to the polls…and by social conservatives I mean the old white people who just hate that this country is changing in front of their eyes….that everyone is entitled to the same rights as everyone else and that they don’t get to deny rights to people they don’t like anymore. But, I think that, with the demographic changes that are happening, this will be the last election that the repubs will contend by using these cynical tactics. This is good news to those of us who are just so tired of the haters on the right who have turned their followers into a seething cauldron of hate that impacts all of us…the sooner they are gone, the better…geez…