Tag Archives: republican budget cuts

Don’t pat yourself on the back so quick…

Well…I really don’t undesrtand the modern repubs at all…are they so stupid that they think that Joe Biden is ever going to go along with cutting Medicaid, veterans benefits, aid for poor children and on an on…you would think they would hold off on patting themselves on the back since the piece of crap bill they passed in the House is going nowhere…I think it is just performance art that the repubs are going to try to use for electoral advantage but no one likes anything that is in it…I mean protecting the trump tax cuts that are responsible for 7 trillion dollars of the national debt while they say tough to the less fortunate in this country and gut all of the programs…no one wants any of this..except for the oligarchs who fund the repubs and buy elections….no one wants the anti trans legislation, no wants gerrymandering, no one wants anything they are selling and yet they try to shove it down everyone’s throats…so independents, help us vote every repub out…it’s the only way…geez…