Well…you know, I am damn tired of the repubs in this country trying their best to make life here in the US worse for everyone but the rich for the past 40 years…aren’t you tired of them? I am tired of the noise and the hypocrisy and god bothering and attacking women…they haven’t had an idea to make the lives of ordinary people here better since I can remember…and I’m damn old…will tax cuts for the rich do it? Will cutting social security and Medicare do it? Will making it harder to vote do it? Will attacking immigrants do it? You get my drift…their whole reason for being is to make things worse…to try to make people hate other people…to make sure that polluters can continue to pollute and make laws the prevent anyone from doing anything about it…and now the anti vax repubs are doing their best to bring back polio that scared the crap out of everyone when I was a kid…I think we need to get some photos of the hundreds of people in iron lungs when polio caused them to no longer be able to breathe on their own…okay, now you get it…repubs suck…every damn one of them…there are no “good” repubs anymore…just self righteous assholes who hate everyone…don’t vote for them…geez…