Well…needed to get on this one early today with the cable going to be out later today….have been reading about that hoary old practice that happens before the political conventions of putting together the party platforms that consist of the promises of what the parties will do if elected in the fall….and when looking at the shape repub platform is taking, all I can say is we’ve seen all of this before…more tax cuts for the rich…more hate for LGBT people…more “clean coal” and the rest of the nonsense that has shown to never work whether it is economic or social…do they really think they can get a constitutional amendment to make LGBT citizens second class again? Do they want to turn the entire US into Kansas which is imploding from repub tax cut policies? Sadly to say, they really do believe this stuff and will continue to push it if elected….they just love to trash this country and anyone who is not rich…after all, in the greatest country in the world, if you are not rich, it’s your fault…that’s implicit in their platform, too….what a bunch of asses…geez…