Tag Archives: right wing snowflakes

The NYT goes off the rails…again…

Well..in what is becoming a sickening occurrence, the New York Times has gone off the rails again today with the worst sort of bothsiderism that I have ever seen…and a complete, stupid misinterpretation of the first amendment. As the right wing continues to whine that people are pushing back on their lies and conspiracy theories and won’t listen to them spew that nonsense, the Times is on it, first with a right wing college student who was given the editorial page to whine that no one listens to her spout her bullshit and calls it “cancelling” her rights under the first amendment, and today, the editorial page stays on that theme saying that the biggest danger to our first amendment rights is the left not listening and calling bullshit on these right wing assholes. Now, I’ve read the first amendment, and there is not one damn thing in there that says you have a constitutional right to be listened to as you lie your ass off and spout racist, misogynist bullshit…remember folks, the first amendment only applies to the government regulating speech…if I don’t want to hear someone spouting that the idiot trump was the bestest president in the history of the universe, I don’t have to give you a forum to continue to say it…or an ear to listen to it and the snowflakes on the right wing just don’t understand why no one wants to hear their crap other than other trump cult members….and it IS my right to call a right wing racist asshole a right wing racist asshole and dismiss them without letting them pollute my ears with their bullshit…back when I was young, none of the crap the repubs are pushing daily was accepted and the party policed that nonsense…could you imagine anyone taking Khrushev’s side 50 years ago? Or being on Russian tv on a loop to support a war that the rest of the world is against? This is just another incidence where the right wing editors of the NYT are doing everything in their power to normalize how far to the fascist side the repubs have gone over the past 30 years….we all need to call them out and make sure there is a price to pay for all of the lies the repubs continue to spout…and that is not protected by the first amendment…geez…