Well…just a short one on how stupid and how bad of a Russian Stooge he is…in a hearing in the senate today, Paul tried to justify Russia’s invasion of Georgia and the Ukraine by saying that they once were part of the soviet union so Russia has every right to invade and try to take them over…word by word talking points that Putin and his cronies have used to justify the invasion…so, under that logic, Russia has every right to attack and try to take back Alaska since it was once part of Russia…and England has every right to attack and try to take over the US or any one of their previous colonies like India or even China…or any country that once ruled another has the right to attack that country again…how about Germany and France? Or Italy and southern France? You see how ridiculous this moron is….and the big question is why the hell would a sitting senator try to justify the attack and genocide that Russia is doing in Ukraine? Rand Paul needs to go…he doesn’t have the brains or honor to be a senator…and he needs to go…geez…