Tag Archives: Rutgers

Those little monsters….

I’ve been vacillating all morning about writing this one but I just have to say something….part of my humanity and heart died when I read about the suicide of the Rutgers student after his supposed friends streamed his intimacy with another man to the internet using a hidden webcam. Who are those little monsters who would do such a thing? In what world is this kind of behavior acceptable?

I can answer that, I think. the kind of world where gay people are routinely demonized by the right, the kind of world where politicians pander to the lowest of their base, the kind of world where gays are routinely told they are second class citizens with less rights to happiness than the rest of us. I indict all of the haters on the right for making it acceptable and easier to hate these people by their daily screeds but I also indict the selfish parents who raised children like the ones who bullied this young man. I indict the religious leaders that still spew hate for gays from the pulpit every Sunday and hide behind the selective reading of their holy books to justify this inhuman behavior. I also indict all of the rest of us for not standing up to these bigoted idiots….this is what we get when we stand silent in the face of hate…and I shed a tear for the parents of this young man…