Well…this one is another placekeeper since I’m getting ready to go out for lunch…the comments that I’m reading about the new GUIDELINES for salt intake are really showing me how deranged this country is getting. WOW….back later..
I’m back…had a nice lunch and a bike ride….I think it was yesterday that I saw an article that stated the recommendations for salt intake were being revised downward given some of the new studies that have been reported recently. Folks, these are just recommendations to help people stay healthy…just like how many calories a person should eat, whether or not to smoke, etc. but to hear the loonies out there, Obama is now going to have “salt squads” go around and arrest people and close down restaurants that put too much salt in their foods. One extreme idiot who I guess thinks he’s clever, even went so far as to say that he expects to be arrested for bringing his own salt shaker into a restaurant and using it. Really? Can anyone be so stupid?
I guess these cretins really think “ignorance is bliss” and what they don’t know can’t hurt them. I say to them, keep eating spoonfuls of salt every day, and burgers, lots of burgers loaded with bacon, and then sit on your couch and wait for the heart attack to come…it will be the best form of natural selection to let these morons die out young. Geez…