Well…the awfulness oozing from ever pore of JD Vance ratcheted up a notch yesterday when, after 4 people died in another school shooting, he called it a “fact of life” and limiting guns won’t do anything to stop it…and then proposed hardening schools to keep shooters out…and went on and on saying that states without gun laws have fewer mass shootings…yeah, no JD or whatever you’re calling yourself today…when there was an actual ban on assault weapons in the 90′s, you never saw these kind of mass shootings happening every day like you do now…and this moron wants kids to be scared all the time since fear is what they use to keep their followers coming back to their strongman acts…I’ve had enough of this crap coming out of every repub…the “thoughts and prayers” bullshit that happens after every one of these shootings…so get out and vote and lets take all parts of the government so something will be done about this crap…geez…