Tag Archives: senate covid relief bill

The covid relief bill passed!

Well…just last night, the senate passed the covid relief bill that takes care of many people who have been destroyed by the pandemic, but of course, not one damn repub voted for it even though the latest polls show that 76% of the entire country supports it…and even 66% of repubs supported it….so again, who the hell are they supposed to be representing? Just on cue, McConnell sent out a big gripe letter with the usual talking points…it’s too expensive, it’s full of things not related to covid, the extension of UI benefits will make people not work…yadda, yadda…hey Moscow mitch….you didn’t bitch at all when you repubs passed that expensive tax cut of 2.0 trillion dollars that only went to the rich so you can just shut the hell up right now. The biggest complaint that the repubs have is that it actually helps Americans and they don’t give a damn about the American people at all and they are pissed that they couldn’t get more tax cuts for the rich included in this bill. Now this bill does include the 1400 dollar payment to people making less than 75K a year so I will get the entire 2 grand relief payment…but that is not why I like this bill…it is an example of what government can accomplish to move the people of this country forward and make it a just a little easier for everyday people…and that is another reason why the repubs hate it…geez…