Tag Archives: solar panels

How much more stupid can these folks get?

Well…I’m just sitting here shaking my head at this one…in North Carolina, a town called Woodlawn just refused a rezoning request from a solar energy company to build a solar panel farm in the town. Now, here comes the stupidity…a retired science teacher from the town testified that she was concerned the panels would prevent plants from growing since they will “suck up” all the photons from the sun; saying that she has seen that plants around the other farms that have already been installed are turning brown….the company building the farm tried to explain that the panels only use photons that hit them directly and they don’t suck up all of the photons in the area and that the plants could be dying, if they are, for many other reasons unrelated to the panels….my question is if this kind of stupidity is coming from a former science teacher, what the hell kind of schools do they have there? Oh, that’s right, they don’t believe in science, just faith….what a bunch of maroons….geez…