Well…there are still a dearth of topics, at least in my head and in things that interest me right now…so we’re going to go free form again and see what happens…man, what a bunch of cowards at Sony Pictures that have folded on the release of their new movie ‘the Interview” just because of some puny threats from North Korea…so now they are going to let other countries censor what is shown in the US? I wonder what is in the e-mails that NK is threatening to release…if they are anything like the business e-mails I’ve written in my lifetime, they might be a danger to bore someone to death but that is about it. I am a little disappointed that Space X has postponed their latest launch until sometime in January…I was really looking forward to seeing them try to land the booster on that floating platform they have…oh, well….it was a pretty cool last show of “the Colbert Report” with all of the guests coming on and singing “We’ll Meet Again”…..but, it did flash me back to the end of “Dr. Strangelove” when the same song is overlayed over the nuke explosions….anything else? Nope, not right now….going to see if there is some soccer on and just veg awhile….