Well…do I have your attention after that title? Hope so…but this one is a little obscure but I wanted to do something a little different today…one of my favorite bands, Led Zeppelin, and it’s founders and last surviving members Page, Plant, and Jones, have been involved in a plagiarism lawsuit brought by the estate of the lead guitar player of a band called Spirit…who you may or not have heard of…who wrote a song called Taurus back in the early 70′s that had a few chord progressions that sound something like the intro to STH. I listened to it the other day and I did find a couple of notes that kind of sound like one part of STH but the rest of it is nothing like it…and today, the court in LA agreed that the parts that the plaintiffs said were stolen have existed in the public domain for hundreds of years and that Page and Plant didn’t steal them….so two years of a cloud over the guys has been cleared and STH has been shown to be an original work….with the climate of litigation these days, I am really surprised that the case was decided as it was…and I think it was decided correctly….