Tag Archives: spousal abuse

Defending an abuser…

Well….the repub party continues to sink to new lows after trying to defend the child molester Roy Moore in the Alabama senate election, and now that continues with the full throated defense of Rob Porter, a senior WH adviser who resigned yesterday after revelations of domestic abuse surfaced from both of his ex-wives. This is the party of family values, folks…the party that has beaten the dems over the head with their holier than thou attitudes for the past 30 years but now we see the reality…that they are perfectly fine with hiring abusers just as long as no one finds out about it…and even when it is found out, they continue to support these folks, with Orrin Hatch saying he would hire “as many Rob Porters as he could” and that he is a “fine man”…yeah, no, no man can be a “fine man” if he verbally and physically abuses his wife or significant other…and this is just not up for debate…any incidence of this and that disqualifies you period….and the sick thing is that trump and his cronies knew about Porter’s abuse of both of his exes before they hired him…with this latest expose of how the repubs really feel about women, they have no damn right to lecture anyone on “family values” or morality…they sacrificed that when they elected a serial sexual abuser to the WH and are perfectly fine with it…impeach….