Tag Archives: Star Wars

The latest Star Wars movie…

Well….the latest and last Star Wars movie showed up on Plex yesterday and I just had to watch it last night…finally, a Star Wars that lived up to the first three in the series…it kept me interested all the way through and there was a chemistry between the three leads that has been missing in most of the other movies and that was a fun to see…and there were a couple of pretty cool easter eggs that I laughed at…during a scene where the leads were walking through a bar, there was one to Doctor Who when one of the patrons in the bar was a Sontarun…and near the end of the movie, they fixed one of the big mistakes from the original movie where Chewy was the only one of the leads who didn’t get a medal in the last scene…when Leia dies near the end, one of her aides hands the medal she got to Chewy and I thought that was pretty cool….all in all, a fitting conclusion to the Star Wars saga…and well worth watching if you’re a fan…