Well…I was going to rail about the police state tactics that have become the norm in local sherriffs and police departments and the unwarranted proliferation of swat tactics for every situation…okay, maybe I will talk about that a little…a few days back, a man went missing from his family and they reported to the police that he may be distraught…not armed or anything like that but just having some mental problems…so, what was the response of the police here? To roll out the local swat team with their full body armor and automatic weapons…yep, a mentally distraught man that is just having some problems and the only response the military blinded police around here could think of is going to defcon 1…not sending a psychiatrist or other mental health professional which is what the situation warranted. It seems to me these folks are just looking for the chance to play army man…and when this nonsense happens, people end up dead by accident…I, for one, have had enough of the militarization of the police in this country and the idea that every citizen can be treated like a terrorist…when the swat teams are the ones propagating terror on the rest of us…they should all be disbanded and the members of these teams retrained to see the people they are terrorizing as their bosses again…geez…