Tag Archives: taliban

Christian Taliban….

Well…reading today’s news, I came upon a story that made me think that the RW “Christians” in this country are really very little different from radicals in any other faith…they hate the same people…the gays…and will do anything they can to make sure the bible is used to punish people instead of the uplifting book of love that it is supposed to be. Now, you know I’m an atheist, but I have no problem with people of faith who use that faith to make the world a better place…but, in this country, christians more and more look like the Taliban….oh, the article…there is a “Christian” school in Wichita, Kansas called Trinity Academy that now has a policy in place that allows them to expel any student that has a LGBT family member or whose household promotes or is okay with LGBT rights…basing it on the school’s understanding of a “biblical lifestyle” and that the bible is infallible and the literal truth. Wow….transplant this article to Afghanistan and I could understand it, but in 2016 in the US? I sure hope that everyone just quits the school and lets the idiots that run it go broke instead of being paid to push their homophobic crap on these poor kids…geez…