Well…if you want to see what the proposed repub plan for the economy will do, all you have to look at Britain and the fallout from the exact same proposals that the Tories have planned for their economy…and it’s the same old bullshit…trickle down economics where tax cuts are given to the rich and they then are the engine of growth that will trickle down to the workers…and the only problem with that is has never worked anywhere in the world…and cuts to the social safety net are part of the deal since since they “can’t afford” them anymore…exactly the same thing that the repubs are saying here as they propose even bigger tax cuts for the rich that did nothing but make income inequality worse here in the US…not one damn job was created from the 2 trillion dollar giveaway that came from the trump tax cuts…other than lawyers who worked on stock buyback plans that made the rich richer and made the rest of us pay more in taxes….and let’s be blunt, we all paid for SS and Medicare our entire lives and they are not an “entitlement”…it’s something we bought with 7.5% of our income paid in from the time we got our first paycheck and all we have to do to protect it is to get the hell out and vote for the dems who will protect and expand these programs so those of us who depend on it can continue to eat and pay our bills, it’s that simple…the repubs want to kill all of us on SS so they can steal that money and give it to the rich..and voting for any repub is going to make that happen…get out and vote…and only for dems…geez…