Tag Archives: USA Today

Videotaping police illegal?

Well…had to comment on this piece from the USA Today….they have a point-counterpoint type of editorial every day where the paper takes one side of an issue, and a guest columnist takes another. The topic of the day was that a man was charged with a felony for video taping an officer that had stopped him for reckless driving. That, in itself, is disturbing, but the defense that the union of police officers uses to justify the charge is even more disturbing since they seem to want to place police officers on a different plane when it comes to their rights versus the rights of those they interact with. They argue that videotape needs a context for it to be reliable for evidence against police officers; using it to hold officers accountable for their actions but doesn’t when it is being used as evidence against the public. And, they go on to argue, that no one except a police office can interpret what is on the tape….well..tell that to Rodney King and the myriad of other who have been abused by the police…I think they are just angry that they will be held accountable for their actions and can’t place themselves above the law anymore….geez….