Tag Archives: WH staff

Being a “warrior” is only for the little people…

Well….with the idiot trump and his stupid mini trump governors plowing ahead with “opening” the country in complete disregard of the science that says we are nowhere close to being able to do that safely, and with the new meme that the right is pushing that people need to be “warriors” and put their lives at risk to get profit flowing back into the pockets of the 1%, I find it so damn funny…or ironic that while the little people are being told to put their fears of dying aside and get back to work, a WH aide went on fox “news” the other day to decry that going to work was “scary” and that he was a he-man for doing it….never mind that everyone going into the WH is tested every day and their treatment is the best in the country if they do get sick, it is still almost too “scary” to keep going to work…but meat packers? Nope, working shoulder to shoulder doing backbreaking work for little pay in place where upwards to 90% of the workers get sick…but you know what they don’t do? Go on fox news to whine about it…that is the typical repub, folks…any little danger that they personally have to face is the worst thing in the world and they are “heroes” for doing it…everyone else? Not so much…get back to work and die peons…I need my pork loin…