Well…I don’t know what is wrong with some dems on the left of our spectrum when they have turned into anyone but Biden morons…and I think a lot of it is just sour grapes since Joe hasn’t gotten them everything they wanted and they sulk because of it…hey, I have news for you…that’s how politics works…it a compromise…what would you rather have? Joe doing his best with the complex politics of the world and the country or handing the country back to the repubs so they can finish it off? Then you get nothing…but that is what these progressive purists are going to make happen if they either protest vote for the idiot trump or just not vote at all…I just want all of these morons to just grow up…Joe on his worst day if light years better than any repub…and when you look at the good that Joe’s policies have done for the country and world, my question becomes who else? Who else would you run that could be elected and do what Joe’s done? Bernie, Warren? Nope, not going to happen…so just get out and vote for Joe and then in ’28 you can have you someone new…but if you don’t vote and you let the repubs take over, there won’t be a vote in ’28…and you better frickin believe it…geez…