Well…it is so strange how the wind was howling one second out here and then just stopped…it is barely blowing right now and the rain has moved out so, after the scalloped potatoes are done and I have lunch, I’m going to go out for at least one ride…already have two rides in downstairs so there could be a potential for 41 miles today and that would be pretty cool…okay, you know what this one is for…trying to get to 100 of these for the month so there is going to be some filler for the next three…I still can’t believe that I bought so much fruits and veggies this week and now I need to figure out the meals that are going to come from them..and I do need some of the cauliflower, celery, and carrots raw so that is my new snack thing..veggies dipped in buttermilk ranch dressing with three or four drops of hot sauce in it…man, that is good…and it doesn’t have the salt the pretzels were killing me with…the potatoes are bubbling so I’m going to stop here and read some news…yeah, I know, the those two things have nothing to do with each other…more later…
All posts by James DeVol
October 31st
Well…I think I need an easy day today after all the work yesterday and the 30+ miles of riding every day for the past month…and the weather is going to cooperate with rain coming in from the south soon and wind that is even more crazy than yesterday…the branches are just whipping around so I’ll just do a couple of indoor rides and let my body rest a bit….I just laughed when I opened the fridge to get milk for my coffee and saw all the veggies I bought yesterday along with the apples sitting on the table…can’t remember buying 4 kind of veggies in a week before…actually 5 if you include the onion…nope, 6 with the potatoes…have all the ingredients for potato soup, too…so that may be for tomorrow…pretty damn sore this morning but I slept okay so I guess I can live with it…just found the recipe for scalloped potatoes I was looking at the other day and it looks pretty easy so that will get made for lunch with a chicken leg quarter…don’t have room in the air fryer for both so I’ll get the chicken in first after the rides and then prep the potatoes as it cooks…not much to do today…I do need to clean the bathroom today and will get to that after lunch…I do need to remember that this is an easy day and take some time for myself…more later…
Survived the wind on the bike…
Well…for the second day in a row I had to ride outdoors in a gale warning but today was quite a bit windier than it was yesterday and it was a lot of work but I like being out in the strong elements like storms, blizzards and wind…started the day with an indoor ride…then out to groceries where I filled up on veggies but bought some chicken leg quarters at aldis for 1.19 a pound and that will keep me going a while since there is very little left in the freezer…and I’m going to make scalloped potatoes tomorrow for the first time with whole milk that I got a half gallon for the dish…after the groceries, I headed straight out to get the rides in before noon so I could get on the yard and leaves…just finished that up at 2:30 and ended up with 5 bags of leaves in the garage to be put out next week…so that leaves me with an easy day for tomorrow with the rain coming in…cooking and cleaning will be the order of the day…
Getting to the end…
Well…we are getting to the end of the election season and I really do want to address the delusional people in this country about how the economy is doing…the latest reports show that the US economy is still growing at 2.8% which is the best of any country anywhere…and I wonder who is responsible for that? Of course it’s Biden and Harris who have brought manufacturing jobs back tot he US…more of them since the offshoring crap started 50 years ago…and infrastructure is getting the attention that it needed after being neglected for all of idiot boy’s term…you remember the joke from that time when the idiot announced almost every week that it was “infrastructure week” and not one damn project happened…the roads and bridges continued to crumble and he didn’t give a damn…after all, only poor folks have to use the roads and he sure doesn’t give a damn about them…oh, and inflation? Back down to 2% which is the target of the Fed…are prices still too high? On some things yes but just this morning gas out here was 2.95 a gallon and I got 10 pounds of potatoes for 3.59 when just weeks ago they were over 5 bucks…so prices are coming down and do you think the idiot cares about that other than as political weapon? Let me clue you in, he doesn’t…so don’t believe the bullshit pedaled by trump that the economy is terrible…he wouldn’t know if it is or not he is just so damn ignorant…geez…
October 30th
Well…that was a little better…didn’t get out of bed til 5:30 and slept some so I feel okay today…not even as much pain as I expected but I treated it all last night and I think that helped…damn, it’s going to be a day of figuring out how to get everything done starting with the indoor ride, then the grocery run, and fitting in either outdoor or indoor rides to get to three…and in between that, I need to get the first layer of leaves picked up before the rain that is coming in tonight…but, the wind is already howling even more than yesterday blowing from 20-30 and gusts to over 40 with a gale warning on til 4 and the a high wind advisory taking over after that…so it could be a light ride day today with only 2 indoors but I’m on schedule for getting to 10K…sitting at 8,763 as of this morning and that will leave me about 1,200 miles to do in the last two months of the year…the veggie experiment is going okay and I’m picking up lots more of them at aldis today…eliminating salt from my diet is helping with my swollen right foot as I hoped it would but I still have a couple of weeks until it’s back to normal….not much to do today…ha,ha…I’m going to be running starting here at 6:30 and won’t be done til probably 3 or so but tomorrow will be an easier day…more later…
Got two stumps cut out today..
Well…don’t know if I planned to cut the two stumps put of the fence today but I did and got them down to ground level…left a big hole in it that I covered up with some leftover square hole chicken wire that was here when I bought the house…so I’m going to pay for that tomorrow…my right thumb is howling in pain right now from taking a beating with the reciprocating saw and it didn’t help my neck either…need to treat that as soon I’m done with this…got three rides in today and even though the wind was blowing 20+, they were still fun since the wind was out of the south and that made it a cross wind all the way except for the first 300 yards or so…that was brutal…so it’s 1:45 and I am done for the day other than the weight work and making the grocery list…so I better get after it….
Finally, some reporting on the racist, fascist…
Well…I am just so damn surprised today that the fascist, racist “rally” that idiot boy put on at MSG Sunday is being reported for what it was…pure hate for anyone who is not a white…calling Puerto Rico (whose residents are American citizens) a garbage dump and the people there nasty names that I won’t repeat here…so now you know who the attacks are coming for…and that is everyone who the idiot trump doesn’t like…doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, or brown…if you don’t kiss his ass, you are a target…this time it’s more than one paper that is not sanewashing any of the fascist bullshit that was on display all day Sunday…and even some repubs are backing away from the idiot…especially downballot repubs who are in fights and who know that the independents they need to get elected are just not down with full on fascism…gee…who knew? I really do hope they keep trotting trump out for this last week to remind people who he really is…cripes even Barbary Bush is out campaigning for Kamala…that’s how much some repubs hate trump…they know he’s ruining the repub party but where were they 4 years ago when they could have convicted him in either impeachment and we wouldn’t be dealing with idiot boy right now…it’s on you repubs, you did this…geez…
October 29th
Well…darn, another night of up and down but that gave me the chance to see a little thunderstorm roll through at 3 am…mostly to the north but we did get a little rain…need to haul butt today to get the indoor ride in by 8 so I can get outdoors before the gale warning kicks in…but I can already hear the wind howling out there so I’ll probably get hurt on the outdoor bike today…steady 17 mph wind with gusts to 25 and it’s a shame that is happening with the temp already over 60 right now…but the wind is coming out of the south and I can usually cope with that…didn’t get anything done yesterday since the leaves still haven’t fallen much but it looks like 31 degree low Thursday night will get them dropping…still have leftovers for today but there is no protein on sale this week so I’m not sure what I’m going to plan for the rest of the week…have two pork chops in the freezer along with some pork fillets but I can’t eat any red meat until after I get my blood drawn on the 12 of November to get my cholesterol down…so lots of veggies til then…not much to do today…might do some raking to get the leaves out of the fences and take my angle grinder to the stump with a cut off wheel to try to free up the fence from it…and I do have to make up the grocery list that is almost all veggies this week…going to have to get used to that….more later….
Spent some cash…
Well…over the past week or so, the bike chain started slipping when I hit bumps while pedaling so that means that the driveline is wearing out so I spent some money today to get all of the replacement parts I need…93 bucks with tax for the front crankset, chain, rear cassette, a bottom bracket tool, and a new set of handgrips…but, I had cashback to spend with Capital One so everything was free…I was going to buy some heated gloves to ride in the winter but even the 40 dollar ones were crap and I’m not going to spend 50-60 bucks for a pair…so I’ll look another direction for that..didn’t get anything else done today but take the left rear tire back off the car since I forgot to lube the suspension bushings when I had the wheel off to clean it…I decided to try a nickle plated rear cassette to see if it will last longer than the anodized ones I’ve been using…and it looks like chrome so that is cool…decided to cut back on my salt intake that I’ve been getting from snacking on pretzels so I won’t be buying any more of those…going to replace them with carrots, celery and cauliflower and see how that works out…it won’t be the same but I only have 3 weeks to get my blood pressure down before the checkup…and an article I read the other day said that extra salt intake is the most common cause of high blood pressure…and cocktails are another bad one so I’ve stopped those, too…and the calories from both have made my weight plateau so I’m hoping to now get down to 160 pounds and stay there…but I am going to have cocktails after the checkup…have to remember to get my blood work done next week and then I can have red meat again, too…okay, time to read….
A burner phone?
Well…now, I wonder how many times a burner phone has been used to not commit crimes? Probably should ask the idiot trump since he is good at using them to hide his criminality…during his attempt to overthrow the election of 2020, idiot boy used a burner phone that was routed through Egypt to call and try to pressure the Michigan speaker of the house to reject the certification of the election and get him to send the fake electors to DC…now, let’s just think of that again…do you think this is an “official act” of any president? Where does it say in the constitution that the president’s duties include committing a crime to keep himself in power after he lost an election? This phone call happened and no denying it by the right is going to change that…they go on and on that this investigation is dems using the government to go after the perfectly innocent trump…and that is delusional…just plain delusional…but that’s what cults are…delusional…geez…