All posts by James DeVol

Ready to hunker down…

Well…I’ve never been good at waiting and today the wait for my prescription to be ready until almost 3 pm was really a pain…but it was another free prescription so that was cool…and I got the grocery run done today with the winter storm that is coming after noon tomorrow that could drop a foot of snow here so I won’t be able to go anywhere until my dentist appointment a week from today…I do need to fix the battery cable on the car again but that is a quick fix…I may flip the top piece over so it will put more pressure on the cable to keep it in the end as I put it on and off the battery post….okay…I think I’ll suit up and go out to fix that right now so I can go to the library again sine I finished up one of the books I got yesterday…

Ignore the ass…

Well…a great topic this morning is how the rest of the world is going to deal with the idiot trump at the world security conference that starts later in the week…my advice is to just ignore the ass…he is too stupid to have anything pertinent to say and the only thing he’s going to do is try to bully the other participants to get them to make policy that will sooth his delusions…just put the little baby in the corner and let the adults get on with it…and I think every other country should use this as their go to policy whenever he oozes onto the world stage…just ignore the ass…there really isn’t anything he can do to them other than bluster anyway and his administration is staffed with fools so ignore them, too…just stop playing idiot boy’s game….geez…

February 11th

Well…damn, I feel like crap this morning and I’m not sure why…probably didn’t eat enough with just some pork shoulder with mashed potatoes for lunch and then a sourdough bread pork sandwich for dinner…have to go out this aft to pick up a prescription and will do the grocery run along with it since we have a winter storm coming in with up to 10 inches of snow tomorrow aft to Thurs morning…ick…so I won’t be going anywhere til next Tuesday when I  need to get out to get my teeth cleaned…it’s going to be cold here so none of the snow will be melting so I’ll be out shoveling the alley again…only have 25 minutes before I have to get on the bike but with doing the grocery run this aft, I have the whole morning to get the rides in…should get more salt for the walks and alley today and I just might get it at Meijers to keep me from going to menards…the alley is solid ice and won’t be melting anytime soon…not much to do today…need to get the stuff for another batch of ham soup, bean burritos, and chicken stir fry to get through the rest of the week and then I’m going to hunker down here and just ride out the big storm…more later…

I’m a sourdough baker…

Well…after my son was here and got me started on sourdough dough to make a loaf of bread and I finished up the kneading and pulling and then cold fermenting overnight in the fridge, I baked it for lunch and it was by far the best looking loaf of bread I’ve ever made…and it tastes great with a nice airy texture to it…and that’s something that has never happened for me before…most of the bread I’ve made turned out very dense like a brick with very little rise at all and that’s what this dough looked like when I put it in the oven…and I used parchment paper to line my 2 qt casserole dish so the loaf just lifted out of the pan…it looked so cool that I would buy a loaf that looked like that…nice and browned with a crispy crust…I guess I now have to buy an actual bread knife since I don’t have one and I know I’ll be making more bread…it’s been pretty busy today with getting two rides in then hitting the city offices, post office, and library…then getting back here for ride 3, and then making the bread for lunch…now it’s time to read…

More stupid trump tarriffs…

Well…the moron in chief is at it again with his stupid tariffs, this time targeting all steel imports with a 25% trump tax…if you one of the maga moaners who bitched about the inflation that didn’t exist during the election, just wait until everything made with steel goes up by 25%…you bitch that car prices are too high? Get ready to pay 25% more for a new car or appliance….since there is no extra capacity in the US steel industry they just can’t make more to replace imported steel so everything is going up by the amount of the tariffs…and this is the genius you voted for and now we are all going to pay…and let’s remember one thing, that idiot boy and his cronies have never explained what problem the tarriffs are supposed to solve…and they never will because there are none…geez..

February 10th

Well…man, I’m tired…and I have another busy day today with needing to get two rides in before I head out to run errands and that means I need to get on the bike in 15 minutes or so and I just started the coffee…it’s been so darn cold here for the past week and it looks like it will be cold through the rest of the month so I’ll be in hunker down mode for that time…not going to get out out of the 20′s in that time and there is some snow coming in Wed so I’ll do the grocery run tomorrow…don’t have much to get other than milk since I have lots of chicken in the freezer and need to figure out what recipes to make…maybe more stir fry? I think it’s funny there is a culture around sourdough bread that I’ve just walked into with now having my own starter in the fridge and baking my first loaf of bread today…it’s only 17 degrees here right now and it’s only getting to 22 today and I am so damn tired of the cold…I mean it hurts to get on the bike downstairs when my hands turn white after I’ve been down there a while…not much to do today…just the rides, errands and baking bread and I will get to read more today after getting more books…I’m tired of doing, doing, doing….need some time off…more later….

A nice visit…

Well…had a nice visit with one of sons today and he brought his dog Art so I got the chance to play with him a bit…he was fascinated by the dove on the feeder and stuck his face right up against the window…the doves didn’t care and kept right on eating…and my son brought me an entire kit for making sourdough bread with bowls, a kitchen scale, scrapers, flour, parchment paper, sourdough starter, and a bag to seal the dough in to overnight in the fridge…it is a lot of work to do it but fun so I’ll be making more of it over time…I do have the dough that he got me started on kneaded and folded and in the fridge for cold fermenting and I’ll bake it tomorrow in my 2 quart casserole dish that fits in my small oven..really curious to see how it comes out…

Not watching the trump super bowl…

Well…after all the damage the idiot boy has already done to this country, I refuse to normalize his behavior by watching the super bowl today…it might be funny to see how many people boo his ass when they announce he’s there, but that’s not enough for me…so I’ll be watching a movie or something else but will not be a part of anything he has anything to do with….don’t want hear his voice or see that putrid face of his as he dirties everything he touches…so I’ll be boycotting the game and you should, too…geez…


Well…sitting here waiting for my son and his dog to come and it is a little weird to not do anything…I’m really not good at relaxing…my DIL is not coming since he has studying to do and I remember those days even though they were 25 years ago…I did get two rides in this morning and will probably do a third later to keep the miles going…but maybe not…the super bowl is later today and I’ll probably watch part of that but I finished up the last book so I will have to dig into my library to find something if I want to read today…but, I’ll think about that later….more later…

February 9th

Well…it’s getting boring being behind all the time and today is just another link in a long chain of days of them…worked my butt off all day yesterday and I am feeling it today…it’s not often that I have the entire house clean at once and I am going to enjoy that while it lasts…only going to do two rides today with my son coming over and I really do need the rest…hit 900 miles for the year yesterday and that means only 5 days to get to 1,000 miles and that will be my only goal for the year…I am really aching to get outdoors for a ride but I think it was a good idea to not do that this winter…just don’t want to be that cold anymore and the roads up here are still covered in ice…don’t want to work that hard being careful…found a new shower cleaner that I really like that doesn’t have strong fumes and leaves the shower shiny so I’m going to buy another bottle of it this week so I’ll have some for a few months…still need to do the mirror in the bathroom this morning and put a few things away but that will be it for today…have 9 minutes to get on the bike and need to pour down more coffee…more later….