Well…I’ll admit it…I watched another night of the convention last night and will probably watch the final night tonight…it is nice to see a party that is showing us that happiness and joy can be part of politics again and be fun…and I just love the digs that the speakers are getting in against the idiot trump and I imagine he’s not too happy with that…trump is finally getting called out for his bullshit and ever day he shrinks a bit more from it.;..you know, it’s the whole bully thing that when you ridicule them, they stop being scary…and I discovered that C-span is covering the convention with no talking heads interrupting to “explain” what is happening…I can figure that out on my own and I don’t need the “bothsiderism” of the media…this country has been terribly damaged by this bullshit and I just don’t want to hear it anymore…so, I’ll be back there for another dose of hope tonight…after our AG spoke last night and tore into the 2025 project, I think our governor is on the speaker’s list for tonight and that will be cool…
Category Archives: Politics
The convention has been fun…
Well…yeah, I know I haven’t really been too into politics lately since it was all doom and gloom all of the time coming out of the repubs and infighting on our side where they couldn’t agree on anything…and Joe read it and knew what he had to do…and he did it by dropping out of the race and passing the torch to Kamala and look what happened…look at the convention and the pure joy that is on display even in the roll call which is normally pretty boring…but not last night…every delegation tried their best to make it fun and there were smiles on every face while they did…and the speeches…yow…Michelle and Barack Obama brought the house down with their calls to action and they just felt so normal…not a screed or attack in them…well…a little, but they were good natured and truthful and I really did miss them not being around….so, I’ll be back to watch more tonight…I just wish they would put the speeches on earlier…this old guy can’t start a speech after 11…fun and hope is back…
Yes, I watched the convention..
Well…running a little late today with moving up the grocery run to today and getting three rides in, but I did want to talk about the DNC that I watched a good part of last night…wow! What energy and enthusiasm from the crowd and the speakers…not at all what the mainstream media was pushing all afternoon before the convention started…they were going on and on about the divisions that have plagued the dems for a long time and they even tried to get people to not believe their eyes while they were pushing the division angle…hey media, now do you why Kamala doesn’t want to talk to you? It was just one of the most joyous things I have ever seen in politics and it gives me hope that we really can do a miracle and elect dems up and down the ballot…because we need to…and the contrast of what our side proposes to move the US forward vs the repubs always looking backwards is so stark that I really can’t believe anyone would vote for a repub ever again…but there is lots of stupid here in the US and the repubs depend on it…but just one thing to remember, when we vote, we win…so let’s do that…geez…
These people are pretty sharp…
Well…I’m not sure who is running the Harris/Walz campaign but they are making me smile a lot…with their lightning action in response to idiot boy’s lies, he looks old and deflated…for example, the campaign posted a photo of the idiot’s “rally” in Pennsylvania showing all of the empty seats and people leaving early and trump tried to say that it was before the thing started…but the campaign responded immediately directly to idiot boy showing that the photo was taken during his speech…and no response from the idiot from being called a liar…and last night, with the DNC starting today, the campaign has been trolling trump by shining various phrases on the idiot’s building in Chicago like “Project 2025 HQ” and “trump/vance weird as hell” and “trump-vance out for themselves” and yet there is still happiness and joy coming out of the campaign and I love to see that….you can be happy warriors like Tim Walz and Kamala Harris…smile and laugh and show people you are enjoying the process of campaigning…that life is not all doom and gloom like idiot boy would have you believe…keep it up…
A couple of things…
Well…want to talk about a couple of things in politics today that I find interesting…first, the dems knowing that the repubs will be trying everything in the courts to steal the election after the idiot trump loses are putting together a legal team of the cream of the crop of lawyers including Marc Elias, who has been in the forefront of challenging the repub voter suppression laws…and winning damn near every one of the cases…and the team is going to be 20 times larger than the one Joe had for the 2020 election…they are gaming out all of the possible ways the repub assholes who don’t care a bit about our democracy are going to wreck it and will be on any try in a flash…good planning by Harris/Walz…the next thing is that polls are showing people are just damn tired of idiot boy…tired of seeing him, tired of hearing him, and tired of him trying to wreck our country and that is going to power our side to a win…and our senate candidates are pulling away due to the joy and enthusiasm that our side is basking in…can anyone say trifecta? Yep, I’ll say it…
Treatment he deserves…
Well…finally, the media is starting to report on the idiot trump’s deteriorating mental capacity and lies that he spews almost constantly…MSNBC didn’t even carry his screed from last night while CNN did live fact checks and cut away from the speech to do it…and the headlines have started to change when they write about the idiot with “lies” being called lies not “trump being trump” and I know that’s small progress but the complaining from the few real journalists to still be reporting is starting to make a difference…and every time idiot boy opens his mouth, his poll numbers go down so I say keep it up moron…hold a “rally” every damn day…oh, and he just lost his suit trying to get his sentence for the 34 felonies pushed back until after the election and the courts have said no so it’s on for September…I still think the idiot is going to bail on the debate set for September, too…and Kamala is going to shred him and that is going to leave a mark when she fact checks his lies in person and in real time…weight time…
I like our position…
Well…have been waiting for the rain to come…ha,ha…it’s never going to rain here again…and I wanted to talk about the slew of new polls out there that show Kamala ahead in almost every state and the trends are up for her…I know the polls don’t mean much until after labor day when people start paying attention but the change from Biden to Harris has done wonders for our side…going from being down almost everywhere to really having a chance to win this thing…and that is without the bump that should come with the dem convention that starts Monday…and it is starting to look good to take the house and senate with Wisconsin now having fair maps like we do here in Michigan…I really do like our position vs theirs…the enthusiasm and the newness and having real solutions for everyone to make their lives better…and tax the damn billionaires…I think I may have said that before…I’m going to keep my fingers crossed but I’m not freaked out like before…geez…
Let’s talk about Ukraine…
Well…damn tired of talking about the idiot trump so let’s talk about Ukraine…wow, did they just make old putin look like the fraud he is by invading Russia? The Ukrainian army now holds over 1,000 square miles of Russian territory and are taking more every day…now, I didn’t see this one coming at all since the illegal invasion had stalled and there was not much more than the grind it out to take a few yards here or there…the last time this happened, Ukraine took back a large chunk of it’s own land with what is called maneuver warfare that they are really good at and what NATO equipment is built for…one thing I want to contrast is what the 75 towns look like that the Ukrainians captured…the only damage being what Russia caused by throwing glide bombs at the UK army…Ukraine didn’t shell or bomb the towns into dust like Russia does…they are even killing their own citizens in the captured territory as they try to push Ukraine out…and hundreds of Russian soldiers are surrendering since it it the only way they can avoid being killed in the “meat waves” that are Russia’s favorite tactics…and one commenter that I read this morning pointed out that the Russian soldiers are better treated as POW’s than they are by their own commanders…I found that funny since it’s true…where will this eventually go? Not sure but you have to admire the guts and smarts the Ukrainians are showing….
But her e-mails…
Well…if you didn’t already know that the main stream media in this country is in the tank for the idiot trump, I’ve got an example that should put this to rest…you remember back in 2016 when Hillary and the DNC were hacked and as soon as the papers like the NYT and the Post got copies of them, it was the only story they ran for almost two months before the election and not once mentioned the ethics of printing them…fast forward to today when it was revealed that the idiot’s campaign was hacked and thousands of e-mails stolen…now, have you read anything about them? Have you seen them printed in the media at all? No you haven’t…the major news orgs have had all of it for almost three weeks and are trying to let the story die and theya re covering it up by blathering about the “ethics” of printing them…I wonder what they would do if the Harris/Walz campaign was hacked? No, I really don’t…they would print them as fast as the electrons could speed through the internet and that’s why H/W should avoid the media like the plague and just talk to the people and make the media report on them doing it…all they are going to do is attack them anyway sine the media is so biased…geez…
Melting down in front of the world…
Well…with the huge crowd sizes everywhere that Harris/Walls pulls in on the campaign trail, the idiot trump is melting down in front of the world because he is being beaten by a black woman…he even went on his loser’s social site to claim there was no one at the rally in Detroit where over 15,000 people showed up for our side…and his brain rotting so quickly that he said Kamala “AI’d” the people in photographs because the reflection of the people didn’t show up on her “shiny” plane…he is just so dam dim that he couldn’t figure out the plane was almost 100 yards away and there would be no reflection from the perspective of the cameras…and when asked why he’s not out campaigning the deluded idiot said “I’m way ahead” when his best poll shows him even in NC and behind everywhere else and we’re not even getting started yet…so, keep it up idiot…just keep doing just what you’re doing…and you’ll be gone on November 6th…geez…