Well… it looks like the repubs are rapidly moving back from the cliff as their masters the Koch brothers, and the Heritage foundation have finally said enough of this batshit craziness they have embraced. While I applaud the results, since when should an organization that is not part of the government so blatantly be able to call the shots and control our entire government? Who elected the Kochs? That is what I see as the problem with the current state of affairs…when the Citizens United decision allows two rich brothers to control the entire government through the money that they give to candidates….what I really don’t get is whey elected officials should allow this to happen…where is their pride? I guess that this is the fruit of the astroturf tea party organizations that the Koch’s have fueled over the past few years…they have bought themselves a government and their money now displaces the votes of millions and millions of Americans…we should all be really pissed about this…and take care of the problem next year by voting these wholly owned legislators out and putting people in their place that will truly represent us…not just money…geez…
Tag Archives: government shutdown
Down they go….
Well…it has been really nice to see the desperation on the part of the repubs who are still trying to undo the results of the last election and holding the country hostage by shutting down the government to end Obamacare. I guess what they knew was coming was that once people saw what was available on the exchanges and that they were a better deal than anything currently available, they would no longer be able to demagogue the program an substitute their lies for the truth. Hell, there are many repubs who are now seeing that they have been lied to when they save $1,000 a month on their premiums and see their co-pays cut in half. How are you going to spin that repubs? I am happy to finally see Obama say “no negotiations, do your job” to the idiots that are gleeful they have shut down government….what are the 2 million that have been put out of work going to say and vote in the next election? For the idiots who don’t give a damn about them and their families or the dems who are acting like adults here? This is the first time in history that the government has been shut down by a tantrum of a minority just because they don’t like a law…and we on the left need to stand firm and not reward these asses for being asses…anyone who has ever raised a child knows that you can’t give in to the tantrum or they just get worse….and these folks are just big children…we should treat them that way…geez…
Here’s the cost the crazy repubs are costing you…
Well…I’m not sure if any of you doubted that the crazy-assed repubs would shut down the government in their little tantrum since their extortion didn’t work….and I am really surprised that the dems have held together and said “enough” to the bullying from the right. But, one thing that the supposedly fiscally responsible repubs won’t say is that this little stunt of theirs is costing the American people…that is, you and me, over 300 million dollars a day out of our tax money. The repubs think it’s quite okay to spend money on this little tantrum of theirs while doing their best to take food out of the mouths of the poor and over 180,000 veterans whose food stamps will be cut off if they get their way. It can’t be allowed that only 20% of the country, the tea party idiots, to dictate what happens to the rest of us who are reasonable people who know that government needs to work to make the country better. If we just hold together, we can take back the house and then make the changes to the ACA that may be necessary…as it has always worked throughout the history of this country…we just can’t let the anarchists win….geez….
Not sure what to write about…
Well…as you can see…I started one wrong yesterday with an okay instead of well…and I still can’t think of anything to write about but that really should happen sometimes since I have done 2,600 of these…I did have an okay morning with getting a lot of things done including waxing the car…but now, I think I will just take it easy for an hour or so and just chill….it looks like the repubs are still searching for ways to end the ACA but all the dems have to do is say no and pin the government shutdown on them….since there is still a majority of the country that likes the law…and as more and more info gets out, they like it more…and the polls are saying that more than 80% of the country don’t want a shut down…so, I say let them own it…and bring on 2014…the repubs will be gone…geez…