Category Archives: Politics

Carlson is an idiot…

Well…not sure if you watched the carlson/putin interview last night…I sure didn’t…but I have read about it and the only thing to say is that carlson is an idiot ass kisser…we all know this “interview” was just a way for the repubs to get ammunition to attack Joe Biden this fall…didn’t work out that way as putin reached back in time to justify attacking Ukraine all the way to the 9th century and the rest of the thing was just a bunch of delusions and lies…oh, and putin then went on to give a passionate defense of Hitler attacking Poland saying it was Poland’s fault that hitler invaded just like he went on and on that it was Ukraine’s fault that Russia invaded them…putin even poked fun at carlson since he tried to join the CIA once and got rejected…from what I’ve read, the whole damn thing was just carlson staring at putin as he lied, lied, and lied like any tin pot dictator…nice job, carlson, what a maroon…geez…

Telegraphing the ruling..

Well…was just reading that the SC is telegraphing what they are going to rule in the case that got to them from Colorado where their SC kicked the idiot trump off the ballot and it can’t be worse…we all know that this SC with all of the unqualified, lying, right wing hacks on it put there by idiot boy is poised to ignore the constitution…again..and rule that idiot boy can stay on the ballot no matter what the 14th amendment says…just as they did when they killed Roe and are going to kill the EPA and every other department of the government except what was in the constitution in 1787…they have shown that this is the most illegitimate court in the history of the country and John Roberts has a lot to do with that and is going to go down as the worst chief justice in the country’s history…he can’t even get thomas to recuse in this case even though it’s been shown that his wife was in the thick of the January 6th attack…corruption personified…geez…

Shot themselves in the foot…again…

Well…we really know how incompetent the repubs are but the last day took that to a whole new level…after months of negotiating for legislation to deal with the border “crisis” and having ole mitch come out and tout the agreement, 3 hours later after trump bitch slapped him, mitch came out and killed the bill…and part of it had to do with idiot boy needing the “crisis” to run on so he could bitch about it….but none of the repubs are smart enough to know that them killing the bill is going to be an anvil handed to them while they head off the cliff…and Joe Biden is smart enough to do just that…and now the repubs are out there lying to spin the reason to anything but a petulant trump being stupid and they are still scared of him…but then the house weighed in with their stupid impeachment of the head of Homeland security for not being tougher on the border…and they didn’t see the irony of killing the best deal they are ever going to get on the border…and they lost the impeachment vote, too…so, what a bunch of morons they are showing themselves to be…keep it up repubs…man, Nancy Pelosi made running the house and getting things done look easy…I miss her…geez…

Trump loses again…

Well…the court opinion we’ve all been waiting for dropped this morning and the ketchup must be flying down at the idiot’s tacky golf club in Florida…in a 57 page opinion, the DC appeals court ruled unanimously that ex presidents have no immunity from prosecution for crimes committed at any time, even when in office…this upholds a lower court opinion that said the same thing and blows every delusional argument from idiot boy’s lawyers out of the water…I mean the complete immunity that the lawyers tried to argue would let a president or ex president even murder someone and couldn’t be held responsible and that is just wrong…so now what happens? Of course idiot boy can appeal to either the whole appeals court or the supreme court but they also can say out of it and refuse the case which will get the trial by Jack Smith back on track and idiot boy is headed to prison…it will probably be another 6 months for that to happen but it will happen…even the corrupt SC isn’t going to give trump a get out of jail free card…I hope…geez…

Someone should just say it…

Well…after the senate worked to put together legislation to deal with all of the things the repubs wanted like “border security” and were ready to send it over to the House for them to take it up when the idiot trump got involved and his lap dog speaker said the bill is “dead on arrival” and won’t take it up since it has funding for Ukraine in it and everyone knows idiot boy is taking his orders from Putin…why the chief idiot is still being listened to I don’t know but this crap has got to stop…and someone needs to just stand up and say that this is what is happening…that the idiot has been pissed at Ukraine since they wouldn’t go along with faking information to hurt Biden and he has never gotten over it…so he gets more people killed in Ukraine and is still trying to hand it over to Putin…this sounds like a job for “Dark Brandon” aka Joe Biden to weigh in…he’s getting comfortable with the direct criticism of the moron in chief and most people in this country like it…so, get after it, Joe…the clock is ticking for Ukraine…geez…

Let’s remember this…

Well…as the media tries and tries to make the election this fall a horse race and ignore all the good the Joe Biden has done…like 353,000 jobs added in January and the 14 million that have been added on his watch…let’s remember this: Joe Biden is not under any indictments or charges…and the idiot trump is out on bail from 91 felony charges…but there’s no difference between them, right? Yeah, that was sarcasm…come on, folks…this country used to be smarter than this…what the hell happened? Geez…

Grab a little reality, folks…

Well…have been reading all afternoon since I wanted to finish off the second book I checked out of library…and I did so now I’m here for a short one…there has been a lot of bitching on the left that “Biden’s not doing what we want on Israel’s genocide in Gaza” so they are promising to vote for the idiot trump or not vote at all in the fall…and enough of them are organizing that it might just keep Joe from being re elected and saddle the country with idiot boy if he’s not in prison by then…hey, grab a little reality, folks…yeah you may have concerns about Joe for his age or for Gaza or other things but do you think this country will survive 4 more years of idiot boy? Look, in politics you never get everything you want and you need to man up and accept that…and don’t give me the crap of holding your nose to vote for Joe…he is probably the best president in my lifetime serving in the most difficult circumstances…and look at the economy…the best one in over 40 years and that is because of Joe an his team…it sure as hell isn’t a leftover from idiot boy…so don’t give me your bullshit and get out there to vote for a decent man who cares deeply about this country…vote for Joe…

The countdown has started…

Well…today is the day that the judge in the idiot trump’s fraud case promised he would have a ruling and the speculation about the fine runs from 300 million to 2 billion dollars and I really do hope it is two billion…that would mean that all of his buildings in NY would have to be sold along with his tacky golf clubs since he really doesn’t have any cash…and he was reminded this week that using campaign funds to pay his legal bills is against the law and that goes for any settlement money, too…so he can’t bilk his stupid followers for the cash he is going to need…and we have to remember that the monitor that is watching his businesses found what sure looks like a “ghost loan” that idiot boy used to write off taxes and probably launder money…but they can’t find the paperwork anywhere so the judge will take that into account when he rules on the case…and I can’t wait to see the ruling and I’ll come back here for an update when I see it…geez…

Immigration and rural areas…

Well…as you know I read a lot for both pleasure and for topics for this place…and I just read a short article that made me think a bit and wonder why is this happening. Many studies have show that there is creeping brain drain that is happening in the rural areas of the country with most of the young people being driven out by the nasty laws that the repubs have been passing there and for the lack of opportunity to be financially successful…and the repubs are still attacking immigration that has been shown to be the only way that the rural areas can maintain their population and keep the economy working…so who does that benefit? It sure doesn’t benefit the older repubs that are in many places that are slowly dying… and it sure doesn’t benefit the farmers like those in Florida who had entire crops rot in the fields when they drove the immigrants out of the state…it looks like they don’t care about any of the fallout from keeping immigrants who are legally coming here out of the country…so I guess now they are just legislating by hatred of the non-white people who really could help their economies thrive again…and that hurts everyone…geez…

They are going to nuke him…

Well…with the discovery of even more fraud by the idiot trump that was discovered by the court appointed overseer in place to keep idiot boy from hiding his assets, I think the judge in trump’s fraud case is going to nuke him…3-400 million dollar fine and banning him and his kids from ever doing business in NY again, and they are going close the trump org to sell off his assets…and that was before he lost almost 90 million dollars to E. Jean Carroll…so, sometime this week the nukes will start to fall on idiot boy’s head and there is not a damn thing he can do about it…and this is before the criminal trials start later in the year…he could finally be silenced…oh, and he attacked Carroll again so there may be another defamation trial, too…if it sounds like I’m gloating you are right…this asshole has been polluting this country far too long…geez…