Well…finally, one of the many, many trials of the idiot trump is going to start April 15th…and by June he will be a convicted felon…this should be a easy trial and fast since it is the hush money trial that alleges election and business fraud…and the kicker is idiot boy has to be there for it…no fascist rallies or other campaigning….just sitting there pouting as his criminality is thrown in his face every day…one bad thing that happened today is the judge in the business fraud trial lowered the bond amount down to 175 million from 454 just because the idiot whined so much about it…but I’m not so sure he has enough money to even pay that amount…I guess we’ll see by the end of the day…I sure hope he can’t pay it…I want to see some property seized…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
Our man in the senate…
Well…with the testimony of Lev Parnas (who worked with rudy to smear the Bidens) that the whole thing was a Russian intelligence operation, we now have new revelations that senator Ron Johnson was Russia’s “man in the senate” and taking orders from Russia as he tried to help elect the idiot trump again and was being fed disinformation directly created by Russia that he ate up hook, line, and sinker. You know, I knew that by his actions over the past few years when his public statements synched up perfectly to the reporting on that disinformation…but he didn’t really care and blew off the FBI who warned him about it…and he told them he didn’t believe them and knew more than they did…damn, I am so tired of these traitorous assholes who would be drummed out of the senate if there was a functional repub party…aid and comfort to the enemy anyone? Geez…
March 23rd
Well…damn, I sure don’t want to get on the bike today…just so damn worn out but I need to get on it in 18 minutes but F1 qualifying is on right now and I would like to see that…up at 5:14 again today and out of bed before 6 and that means about 6 hours of sleep and that used to be enough…it’s 26 degrees out here and I haven’t looked outside to see if it snowed overnight…we got 6 inches of snow yesterday that forced me to go out and shovel it and I am tired of it…I’m tired of almost everything…I did make the big ham yesterday and it is a wonder that they can’t figure out how to slice them…some slices are paper thin and others are really thick…weird…but it still tastes good so I can live with it…my ribs are still sore on the left side from riding in the high winds from a couple of weeks ago and I would really like them to heal at some point…it’s a little better but it still hurts to just sit here…still need to clean a lot today with my son and DIL coming over tomorrow…need to do the kitchen today and will clean the bathroom tomorrow or maybe today…will think about it after I get the bike rides in…more later…
Who is lying?
Well…last week, the idiot’s lawyers filed papers with the NY court in his business fraud case saying that they couldn’t find a bonding company that would sell them the bond necessary to cover the 454 million dollars he owes from the court imposed fines and penalties and that he couldn’t cover it with cash and securities…but yesterday, the idiot boy came out in the press and said he had well over 500 million in cash..”much more” even…and that is going to be an interesting question for the judge to ask…”do you have the money or not?” In the mean time, Tish James has started the paperwork to seize at least two properties in NY but because every thing idiot boy has is leveraged to nearly it’s worth, I think she is going to have to seize a lot more than two properties….Monday is the deadline so it’s put up or shut up time for the idiot…geez…
What a ghoul…
Well…working up any outrage today has been pretty difficult with my brother dying but I really need to talk about the ghoul kurshner that Gaza will have “great waterfront property” after it’s all cleared out…and he goes on to say it would be an ideal place for a trump hotel…now, how the hell can you look at 20,000 children being killed in Gaza and go straight to thinking “boy look at the profit we can make when they are all dead and we can steal their land”…typical rich people bullshit where they see suffering of people only through the lens of how they can profit from it…and let’s remember who this asshole is…he’s the one who sold US intelligence to MBS of Saudi Arabia so he could round up the opposition and have them killed…and then the Saudis gave him 2 billion dollars after the election in 2020 for an “investment fund” that he has no idea how to run…it was just a reward for favoritism that the idiot trump showed MBS over his term…god, I hate these people…geez…
A couple of things…
Well…I find it funny that 17 upper level people in the idiot trump’s administration have come out to say that idiot boy should never be anywhere near the WH again…and a former Sec of defense has listed a litany of things that idiot boy did to disrespect the military from trashing Gold Star families to failing to visit any military cemeteries when he was in Europe because it was raining a little bit…and now there is a war going on between Liz Cheney and the idiot and she is not taking any crap from him anymore…but my question is: “where the hell were all these people when trump was in office and doing all this stuff that he is still doing?” The could have spoken up then and saved the country so much trauma…and I just read that the incompetent way idiot boy handled the covid pandemic cost the US more lives than were lost in WWII…yep, new number crunching says that more than 400,000 people died directly from idiot boy’s inaction and resistance to vaccines……and Biden’s response should be to hammer him on these two issues now that there are numbers to back him up…I guess they have already used the 17 resisters to trump but they haven’t done anything on covid…and they need to hammer him on the well reported fact that idiot boy doesn’t care about anyone but himself…geez…
No bond for you…
Well…I just started laughing out loud when I read that no bank of bonding company will touch the 454 million dollar bond that the idiot trump needs to be able to appeal the judgement in NY…and every day he can’t find someone it costs him 114,000 dollars in additional penalties…so I guess he doesn’t have the 400 million dollars in cash or cash equivalents that he bragged about during the trial…and none of the bonding agencies will take property as collateral so it really does look like he is not going to be able to appeal if he doesn’t find some way to satisfy the court…and then James will start seizing his properties in NY…and that process should start April 1st…and look, the appeal is not going to work anyway since the case against him was so strong an there were no appealable mistakes by the prosecution or the judge…your move asshole…geez…
“There’s going to be a bloodbath”…
Well…if you heard any of the idiot trump’s speech yesterday, and I hope you didn’t, you heard him making terroristic threats against the country saying if he doesn’t get elected in the fall, the is going to be a “bloodbath” in the US…so how is this not terrorism? If you or me or anyone else stood up anywhere in this country and made that statement, the FBI would be at our doors within hours…and then we’d be in jail soon after that…but again, the criminal trump gets away with it…and his defenders spout the bullshit that it is his first amendment right to say it…but we know that the SC has ruled that the first amendment is not absolute like the right says about the second…there are limitations and when you threaten to murder your political foes, that is illegal…sow hat’s it going to be Garland? Are you going to let idiot boy continue to break the law? This terrorist needs to be held accountable and it should be today…geez…
trumpers in the government are still helping him..
Well…with the huge document dump that just happened from the SDNY to Alvin Braggs office that has delayed the idiot trump’s trial in NY which was supposed to start on the 25th of March, there are still trumpers in government doing whatever they can to help trump…and if they broke any rules, they should be fired and right now…from the start of the asshole’s term, the FBI and the Secret Service has been infested with trumpers and law breakers…in fact one FBI agent from the NY office was arrested and charged with taking bribes from the Russians…and FBI officers who were sent to raid the idiot’s tacky golf club in Florida sent e-mails bitching that they didn’t think it was right to get a warrant and raid the club to recover all of the stolen documents…one even said “just give him a call to get them back” when they knew that they had been trying for a year and trump lied and lied that he didn’t have any…we need to have a process or rules that keeps these assholes out of politics or they should be fired…as law enforcement officers, they have to uphold the law for everyone…not just the people THEY think should be held accountable…geez…
trump’s cronies are in on it…
Well…gee, another sleazy thing connected to trump and his cronies? Who would ever think that is possible? I’m sure you remember the scandal where the repubs star witness against the Biden’s was arrested for lying to the FBI…and yesterday it was revealed that Smirnov was paid 600K by cronies of the idiot trump that looks like it was part of a money laundering scheme by at least two shady companies that are owned by Russians…we already knew that Smirnov, the liar, worked for Russian intelligence who have been working with repubs in the House to try to damage Joe and get the asshole trump re elected and that has been ongoing since just before the idiot announced he was running for president…the only question to answer now is: “are the repubs in congress knowingly committing treason by helping the Russians or are they just the useful idiots that Russia is using?” Either way, a scandal of this magnitude would have ended the careers of all involved when there was patriotism still in the repub party…not anymore…geez…