Why do they want them to “fear” us?

Well…the latest attack on Kamala Harris by speaker Johnson goes something like this “the only person our adversaries fear less than Joe Biden is Kamala Harris”…now in the repubs tiny little fear driven minds, the bestest thing in the world is that people fear us…they just eat up using fear to get people to vote for them…scary immigrants, scary socialists, and scary women…you the gist…but everyone else other than repubs know it’s respect that helps get things done in the world…do you think people will help craft solutions to the problems of the world by making them fear you and threatening them? You won’t help on climate change? Then we will bomb you until you do…yeah, I hope you get how ludicrous that is…and I wonder how delusional the repubs have to be to think that the idiot trump’s “tough guy” image is feared around the world? The world had four years to see what a bumbling fool trump is and how easily manipulated he is with just a little flattery or even a bribe..there is no way anyone fears him…and it’s only in the mind of maga that he’s tough…everyone else in this country sees him as a washed up has been…or a never was since he started out with the affirmative action of generation wealth that he inherited…”does anyone think he looks tired”? geez…

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