Busy again…

Well…one of these days I’m going to stop complaining about how busy I am all the time…it sure doesn’t feel like I’m retired other than I don’t go somewhere to work every day…started out by getting three rides in by 10:30, then mowing the lawn…then I discovered some loose stair treads on the front porch and drilled and screwed them back down…when I was doing that, I noticed that the algae was taking over the flat surfaces again and the door mat so I scrubbed the mat with a scrub brush and dish soap…then I got out the deck cleaner and washed the flat surfaces that were green and I’ll re treat them with Thompsons water seal tomorrow…then I put a load of laundry in, did three of these and now it’s 2:30pm and I am done for the day…now you see what the title said…busy again…oh, well…

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