Category Archives: Politics

This is starting to irritate me…

Well…sitting here trying to watch the Michigan game and the damn repub commercials are starting to irritate the hell out of me…they just lie and take things out of context like “mortgage interest up 250%!”…well yeah, interest is up because the dems had to clean up after the mess that idiot boy made of the economy and by the theft being done by corporations by padding their profits which was studied to have added more than half to inflation over the past two years…the they go on to say that “gas prices have doubled”…and don’t say doubled from what…from the low of two bucks a gallon that was the result of idiot boy crashing the economy during the start of the pandemic? Prices are down under 3 bucks a gallon out here…or they were until prices mysteriously went up by 40 cents a gallon Thursday…but you get my drift…and I propose that political ads from either side should be banned from sporting events on tv…I’ve had enough of repub lies..


Well…the first set of polls in in after the debate and it’s looking good for Kamala and Tim…these new ones have them up anywhere from 3-5 points and even in the polls that everyone knows are biased have her up and the few that have asked “who won the debate?” have her up by almost 30 points 53 to 27 points and that dovetails with the cnn poll right after that had her up over 30 points…the thing that really strikes me about those numbers is that it is a snapshot that shows us that there are 30% of the country that are either really stupid and can’t recognize  how bad the idiot trump did or delusional where they know and don’t care how bad he did…oh, and do you know what the latest criticism of Kamala is? That she isn’t reaching out enough to the maga folks to try to get them to her side…hey, morons…just look at the numbers about who won the debate…these folks would rather die than think about that so why should she waste her time butting her head against that wall? The numbers look encouraging for our side but let’s get those number up into a double digit lead…okay?

42 million dollars…

Well…just a short one about dem fundraising after the debate…in one day after the event, Kamala raised 42 million dollars and a lot of that is going to go downballot to try to help dems in state and local races…now that’s how it’s done…Oh, and Mary Trump, the idiot boy’s niece has said that the idiot will “never recover” from the beating he took in the debate…I guess we can only hope…going to have lunch and go to the beach…more later…

She wiped the floor with him…

Well…I didn’t watch the debate last night but I’ve seen enough excerpts and transcripts to say that Kamala wiped the floor with the idiot trump…she toyed with him and then crushed him with attacks about his 34 felony convictions, and the fact that world leaders and former generals that worked for him think he’s and idiot who doesn’t know anything…and she hit him with sabotaging the bipartisan border bill just so he could have an issue to campaign on…and when he started attacking Haitian refuges lying that they were eating people pets, Kamala just laughed as the fact checkers came down hard on that debunked lie…one of the great lines from trump showing he has no policy clues was when he was asked about idiot boy’s Obamacare replacement plan and he answered “I have concepts of a plan” the same “plan” that he had for endless “infrastructure weeks” and never did a damn thing…and even right wing pundits are saying that trump lost badly and the poll taken after the debate showed that people think that, too…67% of the respondents said that Kamala destroyed trump…one of her best lines was when she was contrasting her policies with whatever trump’s were by saying everything about trump is me,me,me while the dems think about what they can do for the American people to make their lives better…Kamala knocked it out of the park and idiot boy knows it…yay!

Now ABC is in the tank for idiot boy…

Well…after promising to fact check the candidates statements at the debate tonight, ABC just decided that they won’t do it…giving the idiot trump free rein to lie his ass off with no consequences…and Kamala shouldn’t have to do it so I think the best course of action for our side would be for her to state that “donald lies all the time so whatever he says here will be a lie” or something like that and put him on the defensive and she should probably throw a few “weirds” in there, too since he hates that so much…but she can’t be drawn into his bullshit and but use his lying to bring forward her own points…and for icing on the cake she should bring up the fact that no one convicted of 34 felonies has ever run for president while other trials for other felonies are still pending…she has a lot of ammunition and has been preparing for this he entire life…go Kamala…

Not going to watch the debate…

Well..okay, I’m saying it…I’m not going to watch the debate tomorrow night…the sound of the idiot trump’s voice is like a million fingernails on a million blackboards and I’m not going to subject myself to that…and let’s put it bluntly, he’s just going to lie every time he opens his mouth so what’s the point? I’ll watch the Kamala parts Wed and maybe read a transcript or maybe turn on MSNBC to hear Rachael’s take on it…probably not the best night to be skipping cocktails but I’m taking a few days off to dry out a bit…I really do hope that Kamala goes after the “sanewashing” the media is doing by taking the gibberish that idiot boy spews and turning it into something that makes a little sense…and, if you get the chance, go out and find the Penzies visit that Kamala did last week…I just watched the footage of it and it makes the contrast to the idiot so much sharper…and confuses me even more why anyone would vote for the idiot…lots of stupid, racist people in this country I guess…

Ignore the NYT…

Well…with Kamala pulling out to a steady lead, the NYT just had to jump in and push a poll by Rassmusen that shows the race tied and the write seven stories attacking Kamala with lies and speculation…I guess the billionaire owner of the times is trying to protect the tax cuts that idiot boy has promised him and then his publisher went to the Post and wrote an op-ed trying to get that Bezos owned rag to jump on board with more attacks…and they don’t care that idiot boy is deteriorating before our eyes every day…I’ve read some of crap that has been spewing out of the idiot’s mouth over the past couple of weeks and none of it makes much sense…but what does the Times do…it doesn’t print exactly what he said but cleans it up so it sounds like he is a brilliant policy wonk…look, trump is so bad and such a threat to this country that even the Cheneys came out and said they would vote for Kamala to protect this country from idiot boy and his minions…I just hope this gives other repubs permission to protect this country and vote for our side…it won’t break through the maga wall but it may just peel off enough votes to get a big win for our side…let’s hope it does…geez…

2,800 traitors..

Well…with the arrests of a couple of Russians running a payoff and propaganda ring pushing right wing talking points, it was revealed today by the FBI that over 2,800 maga assholes are being paid by Russia to push disinformation to try to cheat in the 2024 election and get the idiot trump installed again by Russia…let that sink in for a minute…2,800 traitors who hate this country…and every damn one of them is a repub and there is even one senator at least in the group…Johnson from Wisconsin has been pushing Russian talking points for years and has made many trips there before the sanctions were put on Russia for invading Ukraine…so the modern repub party is run by traitors who are perfectly fine with working for our enemy…so the next time you hear them spout that they love our country, you know they love money and Russia more…geez…

Vance really is awful…

Well…the awfulness oozing from ever pore of JD Vance ratcheted up a notch yesterday when, after 4 people died in another school shooting, he called it a “fact of life” and limiting guns won’t do anything to stop it…and then proposed hardening schools to keep shooters out…and went on and on saying that states without gun laws have fewer mass shootings…yeah, no JD or whatever you’re calling yourself today…when there was an actual ban on assault weapons in the 90′s, you never saw these kind of mass shootings happening every day like you do now…and this moron wants kids to be scared all the time since fear is what they use to keep their followers coming back to their strongman acts…I’ve had enough of this crap coming out of every repub…the “thoughts and prayers” bullshit that happens after every one of these shootings…so get out and vote and lets take all parts of the government so something will be done about this crap…geez…

Of course they were…

Well…I wonder what’s behind the surprise when two Russians were arrested for funneling 10 million dollars into the pockets of right wing influencers through a company called Tenet Media? After all, Russia has bought the repub party from top to bottom and you just have to listen to them to know when they are spouting Russia supplied talking points..which is all the time…and these people, like tucker carlson knew exactly what was happening so that makes them traitors who should be tried for treason…and of course all of the people who took the money are now saying they were duped into taking the money and had no clue the millions had come from Russia,,,they are “victims” not collaborators…yeah, that’s a frickin laugh…when more comes out, I think it will be a surprise how deep the corruption goes in the repub party…this is just the start…geez..